Monday, November 13, 2017

The sorrow of war homework

Thursday 64-85
He thought of them as part of his life being blown away in wispy sections, leaving vast, open areas of  complete emptiness, as in his own 68

On bad nights he would lose control altogether and break down, sobbing into his 85

It was around this time that Kien began to drift over the edge of logic and started believing in 98

But the big soldier,embarrassed, got up and kicked at the body 102

Kien, already nervous, was breathless. He hardly dared look at her lovely 119

She had once told Kien something rather odd and awkward:”You’re a Pioneer now. One day you’ll become a real man. So, harden your heart and be brave, my son.”pg 123

His father died in his childhood, His mother left him all alone.Like a plant’s, his growth is good. In times of war he’s on his own. So the boy creates his very own man, Not mourning the fate of a lonely 127

In his naivety he had not quite understood

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Importance of behaving well in a classroom

    You always have to be on your best behavior there is always somebody watching and observing your actions and how you conduct yourself. Me personally being an student athlete I have to carry myself an certain way to stick out from my peers . High school four years can really dictate what college you will attend do not take this time for granted you will regret the decisions you made. Also bring Loud and annoying in the classroom can land you with an suspension and a teacher not liking you.

    In class I hate to have constant distractions blocking me from my precious education. Taking an Ap class makes us more superior then our fellow classmates. This class needs to be making ourselves better and prepared for college. Hopefully for now on after writing these two paragraph things will change.

Monday, October 23, 2017

              As I walk

As I walk to school the wind pushes me in my face

Fall is approaching say goodbye to the hot sunny days

I hear the cold air whistle in my ear telling me to go

Get a jacket it’s cold outside my dear

As the leaves fall and change watch as my friends fade away

Fall is approaching be aware and be safe

Sunday, October 22, 2017

       How old is to young for an IPhone

I personally think 13years old and under is to young for the IPhone. The phone it’s self is much more than a phone and are very expensive and can seem fragile if used without case kids are very clumsy and wreckless. Also the iPhone 8 goes for an $1000 dollars do u trust a kid with that. That young you only need a phone for calling your parents what else you need it for. The iPhone can also seem to be complicated to younger kids . Those three claims support my reasons for why am child should not have a IPhone tell they reach the age of maturity.

Monday, October 2, 2017

                                               Jack Haskel ,an PCTA trail information specialist tells about different ways to be responsible in the wild .  One good way is to follow The Leave no trace principles . You have to be Cautious of what you leave behind because thousands of others walk in your tracks. Also be safe  and be prepared. Getting sick or injured on the PCT trail is very common so you have to be prepared. Be sure to watch videos and research a lot before you get on the trail. He tells us to explore our physical limits and abilities .

          What I learned ....
 The PCT trail is designated as one of our country’s 11 National Scenic Trails.

The Novel Wild, help launch the Pct trail out to millions of people around the world.

 A well built trail that is taking care of and maintained can be very inviting to hikers.


Overall do you think wild Have a good. Or bad influence on the people hiking the Pct trail for the first time?

Do you think wild help expand the PCT community?

Saturday, August 19, 2017

   Firstly I would like to say my first two weeks of my junior year had been great . School has been going by pretty fast. I really enjoy Mr. Rease class I can already tell that I have to work  hard and pay attention to do good in his  class.  He is helping me become an better writer . Also I'm doing pretty good in my math class. I'm excited to see wat this year have in store for me . Until then be patient time  will tell the future .

Saturday, August 12, 2017

 There are many things I would like to complete this year but for the most part , I plan to maintain a 3.0 gpa or higher and have a great basketball season. Well firstly my name is Dylan Preston , born in Lawrenceville Georgia I love Basksetball  , playing 2k , and  playing with younger kids helping their basketball skills  and being a mentor. I plan to attend Alabama state on a full ride  basketball scholarship  and play overseas or become an sports Analyst .  This is my junior year I plan  to make an 20 or higher on my Act and have a great season to set the stage for my senior year.