Monday, October 2, 2017

                                               Jack Haskel ,an PCTA trail information specialist tells about different ways to be responsible in the wild .  One good way is to follow The Leave no trace principles . You have to be Cautious of what you leave behind because thousands of others walk in your tracks. Also be safe  and be prepared. Getting sick or injured on the PCT trail is very common so you have to be prepared. Be sure to watch videos and research a lot before you get on the trail. He tells us to explore our physical limits and abilities .

          What I learned ....
 The PCT trail is designated as one of our country’s 11 National Scenic Trails.

The Novel Wild, help launch the Pct trail out to millions of people around the world.

 A well built trail that is taking care of and maintained can be very inviting to hikers.


Overall do you think wild Have a good. Or bad influence on the people hiking the Pct trail for the first time?

Do you think wild help expand the PCT community?

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